nf-core/configs: Seadragon Configuration
To use, run a pipeline with -profile seadragon
. This will download and launch the seadragon.config
, which has been pre-configured with a setup suitable for the Seadragon HPC environment at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Using this profile, container images with all required software will be pulled and converted to Singularity images before job execution.
Module Requirements
In order to run a pipeline on the Seadragon environment, you will need to load the following modules:
module load Nextflow
iGenomes Resource
A local copy of the iGenomes resource is available on Seadragon /rsrch3/scratch/reflib/REFLIB_data/AWS-iGenomes/
. You can reference it by using the --genome <GENOME_ID>
parameter in an igenomes-supporting nf-core pipeline. This ensures that all genome-specific references are correctly configured and optimized for the cluster.
- Data Storage: All intermediate files will be stored in the
directory within the job’s launch directory. On a successful completion of a run, these will be automatically deleted as these files can consume significant space. If a pipeline run fails, it will not be deleted. You can preserve all intermediate files by using-profile debug,seadragon
. - User Access: Ensure that you have an active account to use Seadragon. If unsure, contact the HPC support team at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
- Job Submission: Nextflow jobs must be submitted from the login nodes of Seadragon. If in doubt, refer to the cluster documentation or contact support.
Example Command
nextflow run nf-core/rnaseq --reads '*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz' --genome GRCh38 -profile seadragon
Further Information
For more details about seadragon cluster, visit the Seadragon HPC webpage:
Config file
//Profile config names for nf-core/configs
params {
config_profile_description = 'University of Texas at MD Anderson HPC cluster profile provided by nf-core/configs'
config_profile_contact = 'Jiawei Gu'
config_profile_contact_github = '@jiawku'
config_profile_contact_email = ''
config_profile_url = ''
env {
singularity {
enabled = true
autoMounts = true
runOptions = '-B ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}'
cacheDir = "/home/$USER/.singularity/cache"
def membership = "groups".execute().text
def select_queue = { memory, cpu, walltime ->
if (memory <= 950.GB && cpu <= 80) {
if (walltime <= 3.h) return 'short'
if (walltime <= 24.h) return 'medium'
if (walltime <= 240.h) return 'long'
if (walltime <= 504.h) return 'vlong'
// High memory queues
if (memory <= 3900.GB && cpu <= 80 && walltime <= 504.h) {
if (walltime <= 240.h) return 'evhighmem'
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching queue for memory=${memory}, cpu=${cpu}, time=${time}")
// Submit up to 100 concurrent jobs
// pollInterval and queueStatInterval of every 5 minutes
// submitRateLimit of 20 per minute
executor {
name = 'lsf'
queueSize = 100
perJobMemLimit = true
queueStatInterval = '2 min'
submitRateLimit = '20 min'
jobName = { "${task.process.split(':').last()}" }
process {
resourceLimits = [
memory: 3900.GB, // Max memory based on vhighmem node
cpus: 80, // Max CPUs based on E80 node
time: 504.h // Max time for long queues
executor = 'lsf' // Use LSF executor
cpus = { 2 * task.attempt }
memory = { 12.GB * task.attempt }
time = { 3.h * task.attempt }
maxRetries = 3
afterScript = 'sleep 10' // Prevent abrupt re-submissions after retries
queue = { select_queue(task.memory, task.cpus, task.time) } // Use the updated select_queue function
withLabel:process_gpu {
cpus = { 40 } // Use Gdragon nodes
memory = { 168.GB } // Max memory for GPU nodes
queue = 'gpu,gpu-medium' // Specific GPU queues
params {
max_memory = 3900.GB // Maximum memory based on evhighmem nodes
max_cpus = 80 // Maximum CPUs based on E80 nodes
max_time = 504.h // Maximum runtime for evlong queues
igenomes_base = '/rsrch3/scratch/reflib/REFLIB_data/AWS-iGenomes'
cleanup = true