Module Specifications
The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “SHOULD”, etc. are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
1 General
1.1 Required and optional input files
All mandatory and optional input files MUST be included in input
channel definitions.
1.2 Non-file mandatory command arguments
Non-file mandatory arguments or arguments needed to modify the command to make the module run with no error, SHOULD be provided as value channels (for example lib_type
in salmon/quant) - see ‘Input/output options’ below.
1.3 Optional command arguments
All non-mandatory command-line tool non-file arguments MUST be provided as a string via the $task.ext.args
The value of
is supplied from themodules.config
file by assigning a closure that returns a string value toext.args
. The closure is necessary to update parameters supplied in a config with-c
.<module>.nf script: def args = task.ext.args ?: '' def prefix = task.ext.prefix ?: "${}" """ fastqc \\ $args \\ <...> """
modules.config process { withName: <module> { ext.args = { [ // Assign a closure which returns a string '--quiet', params.fastqc_kmer_size ? "-k ${params.fastqc_kmer_size}" : '' // Parameter dependent values can be provided like so ].join(' ') } // Join converts the list here to a string. ext.prefix = { "${}" } // A closure can be used to access variables defined in the script } }
A disadvantage of passing arguments via ext.args is that it splits up how information is passed to a module, which can be difficult to understand where module inputs are defined.
The justification behind using the ext.args
is to provide more flexibility to users.
As ext.args
is derived from the configuration (e.g. modules.config
), advanced users can overwrite the default ext.args
and supply their own arguments to modify the behaviour of a module.
This can increase the capabilities of a pipeline beyond what the original developers intended.
Initially these were passed via the main workflow script using custom functions (e.g. addParams
) and other additional nf-core custom methods, but this had a syntax overhead and other limitations that were found to be more difficult to use and understand by pipeline developers.
Therefore using the ‘native’ ext
functionality provided by Nextflow was easier to understand, maintain and use.
Note that sample-specific parameters can still be provided to an instance of a process by storing these in meta
, and providing these to the ext.args
definition in modules.config
A closure is used to make Nextflow evaluate the code in the string.
ext.args = { "--id ${}" }
1.4 Use of multi-command piping
Software that can be piped together SHOULD be added to separate module files unless there is a run-time, storage advantage in implementing in this way.
For example,
using a combination of bwa
and samtools
to output a BAM file instead of a SAM file:
bwa mem $args | samtools view $args2 -B -T ref.fasta
The addition of multi-tool modules to nf-core/modules adds increased burden on the nf-core
Where possible, if a multi-tool module is desired, it should be implemented as a local module in the nf-core pipeline.
If another nf-core pipeline also desires to use this module, a PR can be made adding it to nf-core/modules.
For guidelines regarding multi-tool modules, please search this page for the phrase multi-tool
Existing local multi-tool modules can be searched for using the Github search box, searching across the nf-core org for terms such as args2
org:nf-core args2 samtools collate fastq
Modules intended to batch process files by parallelizing repeated calls to a tool, for example with
or parallel
, also fall under the category of multi-tool modules.
Multi-tool modules
should chain tools in an explicit order given by the module name, e.g. SAMTOOLS/COLLATEFASTQ
1.5 Each command must have an $args variable
Each tool in a multi-tool module MUST have an $args
bwa mem $args | samtools view $args2 -B -T ref.fasta | samtools sort $args3
<tool> \\
<subcommand> \\
gzip \\
The numbering of each $args
variable MUST correspond to the order of the tools, and MUST be documented in meta.yml
E.g. in the first example, bwa mem
is the first tool so is given $args
, samtools view
is the second tool so is $args2
, etc.
1.6 Types of meta fields
Modules MUST NOT use ‘custom’ hardcoded meta
The only accepted ‘standard’ meta fields are
or meta.single_end
Proposals for other ‘standard’ fields for other disciplines must be discussed with the maintainers team.
Modules should be written to allow as much flexibility to pipeline developers as possible.
Hardcoding meta
fields in a module will reduce the freedom of developers to use their own names for metadata, which would make more sense in that particular context.
As all non-mandatory arguments MUST go via $args
, pipeline developers can insert such meta
information into $args
with whatever name they wish.
So, in the module code DO NOT:
my_command -r ${meta.strand} input.txt output.txt
… but rather:
ext.args = { "--r ${meta.<pipeline_authors_choice_of_name>}" }
and then in the module code:
my_command $args input.txt output.txt
1.7 Compression of input and output files
Where applicable, the usage and generation of compressed files SHOULD be enforced as input and output, respectively:
and NOT*.fastq
and NOT*.sam
If a tool does not support compressed input or output natively, we RECOMMEND passing the uncompressed data via unix pipes, such that it never gets written to disk, e.g.
gzip -cdf $input | tool | gzip > $output
The -f
option makes gzip
auto-detect if the input is compressed or not.
If a tool cannot read from STDIN, or has multiple input files, it is possible to use named pipes:
mkfifo input1_uncompressed input2_uncompressed
gzip -cdf $input1 > input1_uncompressed &
gzip -cdf $input2 > input2_uncompressed &
tool input1_uncompressed input2_uncompressed > $output
Only if a tool reads the input multiple times, it is required to uncompress the file before running the tool.
1.8 Emission of versions
Where applicable, each module command MUST emit a file versions.yml
containing the version number for each tool executed by the module, e.g.
cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
fastqc: \$( fastqc --version | sed -e "s/FastQC v//g" )
samtools: \$( samtools --version |& sed '1!d ; s/samtools //' )
resulting in, for instance,
fastqc: 0.11.9
samtools: 1.12
All reported versions MUST be without a leading v
or similar (i.e. must start with a numeric character), or for unversioned software, a Git SHA commit id (40 character hexadecimal string).
is a powerful stream editor that can be used to manipulate the input text into the desired output.
Start by piping the output of the version command to sed
and try to select the line with the version number:
tool --version | sed '1!d'
sed '1!d'
Extracts only line 1 of the output printed bytools --version
.- The line to process can also be selected using a pattern instead of a number:
sed '/pattern/!d'
, e.g.sed '/version:/!d'
. - If the line extraction hasn’t worked, then it’s likely the version information is written to stderr, rather than stdout.
In this case capture stderr using
which is shorthand for2>&1 |
. sed 's/pattern/replacement/'
can be used to remove parts of a string..
matches any character,+
matches 1 or more times.- You can separate
commands using;
. Often the pattern :sed 'filter line ; replace string'
is enough to get the version number. - It is not necessary to use
, orgrep
. - Use
|| true
for tools that exit with a non-zero error code:command --version || true
orcommand --version | sed ... || true
We chose a HEREDOC over piping into the versions file line-by-line as we believe the latter makes it easy to accidentally overwrite the file. Moreover, the exit status of the sub-shells evaluated in within the HEREDOC is ignored, ensuring that a tool’s version command does no erroneously terminate the module.
If the software is unable to output a version number on the command-line then a variable called VERSION
can be manually specified to provide this information e.g. homer/annotatepeaks module.
Please include the accompanying comments above the software packing directives and beside the version string.
process TOOL {
// WARN: Version information not provided by tool on CLI. Please update version string below when bumping container versions.
conda "${moduleDir}/environment.yml"
container "${ workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ?
'' :
'biocontainers/tool:0.9.1--pl526hc9558a2_3' }"
def args = task.ext.args ?: ''
def prefix = task.ext.prefix ?: "${}"
def VERSION = '0.9.1' // WARN: Version information not provided by tool on CLI. Please update this string when bumping container versions.
cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
tool: $VERSION
If the HEREDOC cannot be used because the script is not bash, the versions.yml
MUST be written directly e.g. ascat module.
1.9 Presence of when statement
The process definition MUST NOT change the when
conditions can instead be supplied using the process.ext.when
directive in a configuration file.
process {
withName: 'FOO' {
ext.when = !params.skip_module
withName: 'BAR' {
ext.when = { meta.single_end }
1.10 Capturing STDOUT and STDERR
In some cases, STDOUT and STDERR may need to be saved to file, for example for reporting purposes.
Use the shell command tee
to simultaneously capture and preserve the streams.
This allows for the streams to be captured by the job scheduler’s stream logging capabilities and print them to screen when Nextflow encounters an error.
This also ensures that they are captured by Nextflow.
If information is only written to files, it could potentially be lost when the job scheduler gives up the job allocation.
tool \\
--input $input \\
--threads $task.cpus \\
--output_prefix $prefix \\
2> >( tee ${prefix}.stderr.log >&2 ) \\
| tee ${prefix}.stdout.log
Similarly, if the tool captures STDOUT or STDERR to a file itself, it is best to send those to the corresponding streams as well. Since a timeout may mean execution is aborted, it may make most sense to have background tasks do that.
tail -F stored_stderr.log >&2 &
tail -F stored_stdout.log &
tool arguments
1.11 Capturing exit codes
Occasionally, some tools do not exit with the expected exit code 0 upon successful use of the tool.
In these cases one can use the ||
operator to run another useful command when the exit code is not 0 (for example, testing if a file is not size 0).
tool \\
--input $input \\
--summary ${prefix}.summary \\
|| test -s ${prefix}.summary
See the Bash manual on file operators for examples of properties of files which could be tested.
Alternate suggestions include using grep -c
to search for a valid string match, or other tool which will appropriately error when the expected output is not successfully created.
1.12 Script inclusion
Using module templates helps distinguish between changes made to the scientific logic within the script and those affecting the workflow-specific logic in the module. This separation improves the code’s clarity and maintainability.
If a module’s script:
block contains a script rather than command invocations, regardless of the language (e.g., Bash, R, Python), and the content is more than a readable length (as a rule of thumb, approximately 20 lines), it MUST be provided through a Nextflow module template.
We recommend use of Nextflow templates as they are the most portable method of separating custom script content and execution across all execution contexts
Where script content in a module becomes particularly extensive, we strongly encourage packaging and hosting the code externally and provisioning via Conda/Docker as a standalone tool(kit).
1.12.1 Inline script code
If the script content remains at a readable length, the code MAY be embedded directly in the module without a dedicated template file. However, they should still follow the guidance content as with a template.
1.12.2 Module template location
The template MUST go into a directory called templates/
in the same directory as the module
The template file MUST be named after the module itself with a language-appropriate file suffix. For example, the deseq2/differential
nf-core module will use the deseq2_differential.R
The template file can then be referred to within the module using the template function:
template 'deseq2_differential.R'
See deseq2/differential
for an example of a template in an nf-core pipeline.
The resulting structure would look like this.
└── differential
├── environment.yml
├── meta.yml
├── templates
│ └── deqseq2_differential.R
└── tests
└── tags.yml
1.12.3 Template or inline script-code contents
Be aware that in any script template that Nextflow needs to be escaped in the same way you would in a standard bash script:
The script template file or inline script code (used when at a readable length) MUST generate a versions.yml
file in the language-appropriate way that contains versions of the base language and all relevant libraries and packages.
The generated versions.yml
MUST have the same structure as a standard nf-core module versions.yml
See the deseq2/differential
module for an example using R.
1.12.4 Stubs in templated modules
A templated module MUST have a stub block in the same way as any other module. For example, using touch
to generate empty files and versions. See deseq2/differential
module for an example in an nf-core module.
An inline command to call the version for libraries for the versions.yml
MAY be used in this case.
For an R example see deseq2/differential.
1.13 Stubs
1.13.1 Stub block must exist
A stub block MUST exist for all modules. This is a block of code that replaces the script
command when the option -stub
is set. This enables quick testing of the workflow logic, as a “dry-run”.
1.13.2 Stub block prefix and versions
The stub block MUST include the same variables (e.g. prefix
) and HEREDOC code as the main script block.
1.13.3 Stub files for all output channels
The stub block MUST include the creation of at least one file for every output channel (both mandatory and optional), generated with touch, e.g.
touch ${prefix}.txt
Ideally, the stub block should reproduce as much as possible the number of, and filenames structure, of the files expected as output.
1.13.4 Stub gzip files must use echo and pipe
Stub files that should be output as gzip compressed, MUST use the syntax in the following example:
echo "" | gzip > ${prefix}.txt.gz
Simply touching a file with the file name ending in .gz
will break nf-test’s Gzip file parser, as the file is not actually gzipped and thus cannot be read.
Therefore we must make sure we generate a valid gzipped file for nf-test to accept it during tests.
2 Naming conventions
2.1 Name format of module files
The directory structure for the module name must be all lowercase, and without punctuation, e.g. modules/nf-core/bwa/mem/
. The name of the software (i.e. bwa
) and tool (i.e. mem
) MUST be all one word.
Note that nf-core/tools will validate your suggested name.
2.2 Name format of module processes
The process name in the module file MUST be all uppercase e.g. process BWA_MEM {
. The name of the software (i.e. BWA
) and tool (i.e. MEM
) MUST be all one word separated by an underscore.
2.3 Name format of module parameters
All parameter names MUST follow the snake_case
2.4 Name format of module functions
All function names MUST follow the camelCase
2.5 Name format of module channels
Channel names MUST follow snake_case
convention and be all lower case.
2.6 Command file output naming
Output file (and/or directory) names SHOULD just consist of only ${prefix}
and the file-format suffix (e.g. ${prefix}.fq.gz
or ${prefix}.bam
This is primarily for re-usability so that other developers have complete flexibility to name their output files however they wish when using the same module.
As a result of using this syntax, if the module has the same named inputs and outputs then you can add a line in the
section like below (another example here) which will raise an error asking the developer to change theargs.prefix
variable to rename the output files so they don’t clash.script: if ("$bam" == "${prefix}.bam") error "Input and output names are the same, set prefix in module configuration to disambiguate!"
3 Input/output options
3.1 Required path
channel inputs
Input channel path
declarations MUST be defined for all possible input files (i.e. both required and optional files).
- Directly associated auxiliary files to an input file MAY be defined within the same input channel alongside the main input channel (e.g. BAM and BAI).
- Other generic auxiliary files used across different input files (e.g. common reference sequences) MAY be defined using a dedicated input channel (e.g. reference files).
3.2 Required val
channel inputs
Input channel val
declarations SHOULD be defined for all mandatory non-file inputs that are essential for the functioning of the tool (e.g. parameters, flags etc).
- Mandatory non-file inputs are options that the tool MUST have to be able to be run.
- These non-file inputs are typically booleans or strings, and must be documented as such in the corresponding entry in the
. - Options, flags, parameters that are not required by the tool to function should NOT be included - rather these can be passed via
It was decided by a vote amongst interested parties within the 2023 Maintainers group on 2023-02-28 to allow non-file mandatory input channels.
The reasoning behind this was that it is important to have documented (using the existing display on the website) the bare minimum information required for a module to run.
It also allows module code to consume parameter values without parsing them out of the ext.args
string and reduces possible risks of entire breakage of modules with future expected config changes at a Nextflow level.
Downsides to this approach are readability (now multiple places must be checked on how to modify a module execution - modules.conf ext.args
, the module invocation in pipeline code etc.), and reduced user freedom.
However it was felt that it was more important for stability in and ‘installation’ and ‘execution’ of modules was preferred (e.g. for tools that require position arguments etc.)
When one and only one of multiple argument are required:
If they all are string argument : use 1 argument that will be equal to the string
e.g. Parameter model of glimpse2 chunk
If some are files put them all in one channel and test if only one is present
e.g. Grouping output parameters of glimpse2 concordance
if (((file1 ? 1:0) + (val1 ? 1:0) + (val2 ? 1:0)) != 1) error "One and only one argument required"
3.3 Output channel emissions
Named file extensions MUST be emitted for ALL output channels e.g. path "*.txt", emit: txt
3.4 Optional inputs
Optional inputs are not currently supported by Nextflow.
However, passing an empty list ([]
) instead of a file as a module parameter can be used to work around this issue.
For example, having a module (MY_MODULE
) that can take a cram
channel and an optional fasta
channel as input, can be used in the following ways:
MY_MODULE(cram, []) // fasta is optional, the module will run without the fasta present
MY_MODULE(cram, fasta) // execution of the module will need an element in the fasta channel
3.5 Optional outputs
Optional outputs SHOULD be marked as optional:
tuple val(meta), path('*.tab'), emit: tab, optional: true
3.6 One output channel per output file type
Each output file type SHOULD be emitted in its own channel (and no more than one), along with the meta
map if provided ( the exception is the versions.yml ).
In some cases the file format can be different between files of the same type or for the same function (e.g. indices: .bai
and .crai
). These different file formats SHOULD be part of the same output channel since they are they serve the same purpose and are mutually exclusive.
tuple val(meta), path("*.{bai,crai}"), emit: index
This approach simplifies the process of retrieving and processing specific types of output, as each type can be easily identified and accessed within its designated channel.
So when the output definition of module called SAMTOOLS_INDEX
looks like this:
tuple val(meta), path("*.{bai,crai}"), emit: index
The output files can be accessed like this:
Regardless whether they are a bai
or crai
as downstream SAMTOOLS modules should accept either without an issue.
4 Documentation
4.1 Module documentation is required
Each module MUST have a meta.yaml
in the same directory as the
of the module itself.
4.2 Number of keywords
Keywords SHOULD be sufficient to make the module findable through research domain, data types, and tool function keywords
- Keywords MUST NOT just be solely of the (sub)tool name
For multi-tool modules, please add the keyword multi-tool
, as well as all the (sub)tools involved.
4.3 Keyword formatting
Keywords MUST be all lower case
4.4 Documenting of all tools
The tools section MUST list every tool used in the module. For example
- bowtie2: <....>
- samtools: <....>
4.5 Documentation of args of each piped or multiple command
The tools section MUST have a args_id:
field for every tool in the module that describes which $args
, $args3
) variable is used for that specific module. A single tool module will only have args_id: "$args"
- bowtie2:
args_id: "$args"
- samtools:
args_id: "$args2"
4.6 Required channel documentation
Input and Output sections of the meta.yaml
SHOULD only have entries of input and output channels
4.7 Documentation of tuples
Input and output tuples MUST be split into separate entries
- i.e.,
should be a separate entry to thefile
it is associated with
4.8 Input and output channel types
Input/output types MUST only be of the following categories: map
, file
, directory
, string
, boolean
, integer
, float
, boolean
, list
4.9 Correspondence of input/outputs entries to channels
Input/output entries MUST match a corresponding channel in the module itself
- There should be a one-to-one relationship between the module and the
- Input/output entries MUST NOT combine multiple output channels
4.10 Useful input/output descriptions
Input/output descriptions SHOULD be descriptive of the contents of file
- i.e., not just ‘A TSV file’
4.11 Input/output glob pattern
Input/output patterns (if present) MUST follow a Java glob pattern
4.12 Indication of input channel requirement
Input entries should be marked as Mandatory or Optional
5 Module parameters
5.1 Module input and outputs
A module file SHOULD only define input and output files as command-line parameters to be executed within the process.
5.2 Use of parameters within modules
All params
within the module MUST only be initialised and used in the local context of the module.
In other words, named params
defined in the parent workflow MUST NOT be assumed to be passed to the module to allow developers to call their parameters whatever they want.
In general, it may be more suitable to use additional input
value channels to cater for such scenarios.
5.3 Specification of multiple-threads or cores
If the tool supports multi-threading then you MUST provide the appropriate parameter using the Nextflow task
variable e.g. --threads $task.cpus
5.4 Evaluation of parameter within a module
Any parameters that need to be evaluated in the context of a particular sample e.g. single-end/paired-end data MUST also be defined within the process.
6 Resource requirements
6.1 Use of labels in modules
An appropriate resource label
MUST be provided for the module as listed in the nf-core pipeline template e.g. process_single
, process_low
, process_medium
or process_high
6.2 Source of multiple threads or cores value
If the tool supports multi-threading then you MUST provide the appropriate parameter using the Nextflow task
variable e.g. --threads $task.cpus
If the tool does not support multi-threading, consider process_single
unless large amounts of RAM are required.
6.3 Specifying multiple threads for piped commands
If a module contains multiple tools that supports multi-threading (e.g. piping output into a samtools command), you can assign CPUs per tool.
- Note that [
] is supplied unchanged when a process uses multiple cores - If one tool is multi-threaded and another uses a single thread, you can specify directly in the command itself e.g. with
7 Software requirements
BioContainers is a registry of Docker and Singularity containers automatically created from all of the software packages on Bioconda. Where possible we will use BioContainers to fetch pre-built software containers and Bioconda to install software using Conda.
7.1 Use of container directives
Software requirements SHOULD be declared within the module file using the Nextflow container
For single-tool BioContainers, the nf-core modules create
command will automatically fetch and fill-in the appropriate Conda / Docker / Singularity definitions by parsing the information provided in the first part of the module name:
conda "bioconda::fastqc=0.11.9"
container "${ workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ?
'' :
'biocontainers/fastqc:0.11.9--0' }"
7.2 Use of conda directive
If the software is available on Conda it MUST also be defined in an environment.yml
file alongside the
of the module, and is passed to the Nextflow conda
directive within
Using bioconda::bwa=0.7.17
as an example, software MUST be pinned to the channel (i.e. bioconda
) and version (i.e. 0.7.17
Conda packages MUST not be pinned to a build because they can vary on different platforms.
7.3 Re-use of multi-tool containers
If required, multi-tool containers may also be available on BioContainers e.g. bwa
and samtools
You can install and use the galaxy-tool-util
package to search for both single- and multi-tool containers available in Conda, Docker and Singularity format.
E.g. to search for Docker (hosted on and Singularity multi-tool containers with both bowtie
and samtools
installed you can use the following command:
mulled-search --destination quay singularity --channel bioconda --search bowtie samtools | grep "mulled"
Build information for all tools within a multi-tool container can be obtained in the /usr/local/conda-meta/history
file within the container.
7.4 Creation of new multi-tool containers
It is also possible for a new multi-tool container to be built and added to BioContainers by submitting a pull request on their multi-package-containers
Fork the multi-package-containers repository
Make a change to the
file in thecombinations
directory see here for an example wherepysam=,biopython=1.78
was added. -
Commit the code and then make a pull request to the original repo, for example
Once the PR has been accepted a container will get built and you can find it using a search tool in the
galaxy-tool-util conda
packagemulled-search --destination quay singularity conda --search pysam biopython | grep "mulled" quay mulled-v2-3a59640f3fe1ed11819984087d31d68600200c3f 185a25ca79923df85b58f42deb48f5ac4481e91f-0 docker pull singularity mulled-v2-3a59640f3fe1ed11819984087d31d68600200c3f 185a25ca79923df85b58f42deb48f5ac4481e91f-0 wget
You can copy and paste the
path into the relevant Docker and Singularity lines in the Nextflowprocess
definition of your module -
To confirm that this is correct, spin up a temporary Docker container
docker run --rm -it /bin/sh
And in the command prompt type
$ grep specs /usr/local/conda-meta/history # update specs: ['biopython=1.78', 'pysam=']
The packages should reflect those added to the multi-package-containers repo
file -
If the multi-tool container already exists and you want to obtain the
path, you can use this helper tool.
7.5 Software not on Bioconda
If the software is not available on Bioconda a Dockerfile
MUST be provided within the module directory. We will use GitHub Actions to auto-build the containers on the GitHub Packages registry.
8 Testing
8.1 Scope of testing
Tests for modules SHOULD be executable within the nf-core/modules GitHub repository CI with example test data.
Tests for modules MUST, at a minimum, run on the GitHub repository CI with a stub test that replicates the generation of (empty) output files and a versions
Module tests do not necessarily need to be able to execute ‘standalone’, i.e., run outside the nf-core/modules repository. For example, they don’t need to be executable within a pipeline repository.
Some modules may require upstream modules to generate input files for the new module under construction if it is not possible or reasonable to upload those test data files to nf-core/test-datasets.
If the test were to work ‘standalone,’ the pipeline would need to include all these upstream modules just to execute the module test—even if those modules are not used within the pipeline itself. This would lead to a lot of file ‘pollution’ within the pipeline repository.
Modules installed in the pipeline should already be tested to work correctly within the context of the pipeline with workflow- or pipeline-level tests. Thus, it is considered unnecessary to duplicate module tests again.
8.2 Snapshots
Only one snapshot is allowed per module test, which SHOULD contain all assertions present in this test. Having multiple snapshots per test will make the snapshot file less readable.
All output channels SHOULD be present in the snapshot for each test, or at a minimum, it MUST contain some verification that the file exists.
Thus by default, the then
block of a test should contain this:
assert snapshot(process.out).match()
When the snapshot is unstable another way MUST be used to test the output files. See nf-test assertions for examples on how to do this.
8.3 Stub tests
A stub test MUST exist for the module.
8.4 Tags
Tags for any dependent modules MUST be specified to ensure changes to upstream modules will re-trigger tests for the current module.
tag "modules"
tag "modules_nfcore"
tag "<tool>"
tag "<tool>/<subtool>" // Only if there is a subtool
tag "<dependent_tool>/<dependent_subtool>" // Only if there is a tool this module depends on
8.5 assertAll()
The assertAll()
function MUST be used to specify an assertion, and there MUST be a minimum of one success assertion and versions in the snapshot.
8.6 Assert each type of input and output
There SHOULD be a test and assertions for each type of input and output.
Different assertion types should be used if a straightforward process.out
snapshot is not feasible.
Always check the snapshot to ensure that all outputs are correct! For example, make sure there are no md5sums representing empty files (with the exception of stub tests!).
8.7 Test names
Test names SHOULD describe the test dataset and configuration used. some examples below:
test("homo_sapiens - [fastq1, fastq2] - bam")
test("sarscov2 - [ cram, crai ] - fasta - fai")
test("Should search for zipped protein hits against a DIAMOND db and return a tab separated output file of hits")
8.8 Input data
Input data SHOULD be referenced with the modules_testdata_base_path
file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/bam/test.paired_end.sorted.bam', checkIfExists: true)
8.9 Configuration of ext.args in tests
Module nf-tests SHOULD use a single nextflow.config
to supply ext.args
to a module. They can be defined in the when
block of a test under the params
config './nextflow.config'
when {
params {
module_args = '--extra_opt1 --extra_opt2'
process {
input[0] = [
[ id:'test1', single_end:false ], // meta map
file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/prokaryotes/bacteroides_fragilis/genome/genome.fna.gz', checkIfExists: true)
process {
withName: 'MODULE' {
ext.args = params.module_args
No other settings should go into this file.
Supply the config only to the tests that use params
, otherwise define params
for every test including the stub test.
8.10 Skipping CI test profiles
If a module does not support a particular test profile, it can be skipped by adding the path to corresponding section in .github/skip_nf_test.json
Please keep the file sorted alphabetically.
9 Misc
9.1 General module code formatting
All code MUST be aligned to follow the ‘Harshil Alignment™️’ format.