Subworkflow Specifications

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “SHOULD”, etc. are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

1 General

1.1 Minimum subworkflow size

Subworkflows should combine tools that make up a logical unit in an analysis step. A subworkflow must contain at least two modules.

1.2 Version reporting channel

Each subworkflow emits a channel containing all versions.yml collecting the tool(s) versions. They MUST be collected within the workflow and added to the output as versions :

  ch_versions = Channel.empty()
  ch_versions = ch_versions.mix(FASTQC.out.versions())
  versions = ch_versions

2 Naming conventions

2.1 Name format of subworkflow files

Choose an appropriate name for your subworkflow related to its module composition.

For short chains of modules without conditional logic, the naming convention should be of the format <file_type>_<operation_1>_<operation_n>_<tool_1>_<tool_n> e.g. bam_sort_stats_samtools where bam = <file_type>, sort = <operation> and samtools = <tool>. Not all operations are required in the name if they are routine (e.g. indexing after creation of a BAM). Operations can be collapsed to a general name if the steps are directly related to each other. For example if in a subworkflow, a binning tool has three required steps (e.g. <tool> split, <tool> calculate, <tool> merge) to perform an operation (contig binning) these can be collapsed into one (e.g. fasta_binning_concoct, rather than fasta_split_calculate_merge_concoct).

If a subworkflow has a large number of steps discounting routine operations, if the sequence of steps differs dependent on input arguments, or if the module complement is likely to change over time, the above naming scheme will not be appropriate. In this case it will be more useful to potential users of your subworkflow to name the it according to its purpose and logical operations, rather than the module complement. For example, a subworkflow that takes FASTQ files, peforms multiple QC checks, applies a user defined trimming operation, filters and sets a strandedness, would be named something like ‘fastq_qc_trim_filter_setstrandedness’. This tells users what the the input is, and the logical steps involved, without trying to shoehorn the conditional logic or very long sequences of modules into the name.

Whatever name is used, the directory structure for the subworkflow name must be all lowercase e.g. subworkflows/nf-core/bam_sort_stats_samtools/.

If in doubt regarding what to name your subworkflow, and always for the more complex type of subworkflow described above, please contact us on the nf-core Slack #subworkflows channel (you can join with this invite) to discuss possible options.

2.2 Name format of subworkflow parameters

All parameter names MUST follow the snake_case convention.

2.3 Name format subworkflow functions

All function names MUST follow the camelCase convention.

2.4 Name format subworkflow channels

Channel names MUST follow snake_case convention and be all lower case.

2.5 Input channel name structure

Input channel names SHOULD signify the input object type. For example, a single value input channel will be prefixed with val_, whereas input channels with multiple elements (e.g. meta map + file) should be prefixed with ch_.

2.6 Output channel name structure

Output channel names SHOULD only be named based on the major output file of that channel (i.e, an output channel of [[meta], bam] should be emitted as bam, not ch_bam). This is for more intuitive use of these output objects downstream with the .out attribute.

3 Input/output options

3.1 Required input channels

Input channel declarations MUST be defined for all possible input files that will be required by the subworkflow (i.e. both required and optional files) within the take block.

3.2 Required output channels

Named file extensions MUST be emitted for ALL output channels e.g. path "*.txt", emit: txt.

3.3 Optional inputs

Optional inputs are not currently supported by Nextflow. However, passing an empty list ([]) instead of a file as a subworkflow parameter can be used to work around this issue.

4 Subworkflow parameters

4.1 Usage of parameters

Named params defined in the parent workflow MUST NOT be assumed to be passed to the subworkflow to allow developers to call their parameters whatever they want. In general, it may be more suitable to use additional input value channels to cater for such scenarios.

5 Documentation

5.1 Code comment of channel structure

Each input and output channel SHOULD have a comment describing the output structure of the channel e.g

ch_reads // channel: [mandatory] meta, reads
val_sort // boolean: [mandatory] false
bam = SAMTOOLS_VIEW.out.bam // channel: [ val(meta), path(bam) ]
versions = ch_versions      // channel: [ path(versions.yml) ]

5.2 Meta.yml documentation of channel structure

Each input and output channel structure SHOULD also be described in the meta.yml in the description entry.

description: |
  Structure: [ val(meta), path(tsv)]
  (Sub)contig coverage table

6 Testing

6.1 Scope of testing

Tests for subworkflows SHOULD be designed to be executable within the nf-core/modules GitHub repository CI with example test data.

Tests for subworkflows MUST, at a minimum, run on the GitHub repository CI with a stub test that replicates the generation of (empty) output files.

Subworkflows tests do not necessarily need to be able to execute ‘standalone’, i.e., run outside the nf-core/modules repository. For example, they don’t need to be executable within a pipeline repository.


Some modules may require upstream modules or subworkflows to generate input files for the new module under construction if it is not possible or reasonable to upload those test data files to nf-core/test-datasets.

If the test was to work ‘standalone,’ the pipeline would need to include all these upstream modules/subworkflows just to execute the module test—even if those modules are not used within the pipeline itself. This would lead to a lot of file ‘pollution’ within the pipeline repository.

Subworkflows installed in the pipeline should already be tested to work correctly within the context of the pipeline with workflow- or pipeline-level tests. Thus, it is considered unnecessary to duplicate subworkflow tests again.

6.2 All output channels must be tested

All output channels SHOULD be present in the nf-test snapshot file, or at a minimum, it MUST be verified that the files exist.

6.3 Tags

Tags for any dependent modules MUST be specified to ensure changes to upstream modules will re-trigger tests for the current subworkflow.

tag "subworkflows"
tag "subworkflows_nfcore"
tag "<subworkflow_name>"
tag "<tool>" // Add each tool as a separate tag
tag "<tool>/<subtool>" // Add each subtool as a separate tag

6.4 assertAll()

The assertAll() function MUST be used to specify an assertion, and there MUST be a minimum of one success assertion and versions in the snapshot.

6.5 Assert each type of input and output

There SHOULD be a test and assertions for each type of input and output.

Different assertion types should be used if a straightforward workflow.out snapshot is not feasible.


Always check the snapshot to ensure that all outputs are correct! For exmaple, make sure there are no md5sums representing empty files.

6.6 Test names

Test names SHOULD describe the test dataset and configuration used. some examples below:

test("homo_sapiens - [fastq1, fastq2] - bam")
test("sarscov2 - [ cram, crai ] - fasta - fai")
test("Should search for zipped protein hits against a DIAMOND db and return a tab separated output file of hits")

6.7 Input data

Input data SHOULD be referenced with the modules_testdata_base_path parameter:

file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/bam/test.paired_end.sorted.bam', checkIfExists: true)

6.8 Configuration

Subworkflow nf-tests SHOULD use a single nextflow.config to supply ext.args to a subworkflow. They can be defined in the when block of a test under the params scope.
config './nextflow.config'
when {
  params {
    moduleA_args = '--extra_opt1 --extra_opt2'
    moduleB_args = '--extra_optX'
  process {
    input[0] = [
      [ id:'test1', single_end:false ], // meta map
      file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/prokaryotes/bacteroides_fragilis/genome/genome.fna.gz', checkIfExists: true)
process {
  withName: 'MODULEA' {
    ext.args = params.moduleA_args
  withName: 'MODULEB' {
    ext.args = params.moduleB_args

No other settings should go into this file.


Supply the config only to the tests that use params, otherwise define params for every test including the stub test.

7 Skipping CI test profiles

If a subworkflow does not support a particular test profile, it can be skipped by adding the path to the corresponding section in .github/skip_nf_test.json.

Please keep the file sorted alphabetically.

8 Misc

8.1 General module code formatting

All code MUST be aligned to follow the ‘Harshil Alignment™️’ format.